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How to Accomplish Your Goals in 2020 [Free Download]

“The distance between your dreams and reality is action.” We know how hard setting and keeping goals can be. It if were easy, the gym would be crowded all year long, and not just in January. This year, we’re making it a little easier with some of our favorite tips to help you set (and accomplish) your goals!


First things first, set aside some time to reflect on your past year, quarter, or month, and evaluate where you are. Before you can set a vision for your future, its important to determine what your current circumstances. Take time to assess your strengths, weaknesses, assets, and lessons. One exercise for this step is called “Start, Stop, Keep.” Grab a sheet of paper (or use the free printable attached to this post!) and make a quick list of everything you want to start this month (quarter, or year), everything you need to stop (less Netflix, more reading?), and everything you’re currently doing that you want to keep doing.


Once you’re equipped with your Start, Stop, Keep list, set some goals around everything you want to start. There are several methods for this, one of them is the S.M.A.R.T. method.

S Stands for Specific

Set specific goals – the more specific, the better! If your goal is vague, how will you know you’ve accomplished it? If you have a broad goal for your year, try breaking it down into smaller goals for each month.

M Stands for Measurable

How will you measure your progress? If your goal is specific, it needs to also be measurable. For example, a good goal is to be a faster runner, but a measurable and specific goal is to increase your pace by minute and a half.

A Stands for Attainable

Dream big, but not too big! If your goals are too far beyond where you currently are, you will become easily discouraged and run the risk of giving up on them!

R Stands for Relevant

Make sure your goals are relevant to who you are and what you want your life to look like! Not all goals are great for everybody. Goals need to align with your own values.

T Stands for Time-Bound

Give yourself a deadline! This is especially helpful when breaking your goals into smaller milestones. Be realistic with your timelines, though. Tying yourself to an unrealistic timeline can derail your goals the same way that setting goals that are too large can.

Want a FREE goal-setting worksheet? Click here to download!



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